Bloomberg For Mayor
By Jose B. RiveraEast Harlem - November 4, 2001. East has endorsed Mike Bloomberg for Mayor.This is our first endorsement in over two years. Bloomberg is New York City’s best hope and exactly what is needed during this time of crisis. Sure politics is fun, but Mr. Bloomberg’s opponent has chosen to be too partisan, too politically dirty for our taste. East Harlem Online feels that Mark Green ran a nasty campaign during the last week of the Democratic Primary and can not be forgiven. Latino’s will never forget.
East Harlem’s greatest State Senator, Olga Mendez says “This is a time when we must pick someone with experience in dealing with tough economic circumstances, someone who can bring business to the City and who can work with the President and the Governor to get New York its fair share. I am very upset about the kind of negative campaigning with racial overtones used in the final days of the Primary Election. I love my party, but I cannot support a candidate who would have behaved in such a way. In the Primary I endorsed Freddy Ferrer, but now I am endorsing Mike Bloomberg for Mayor. We must not think about party politics, but about people and what is best for them. As President John F. Kennedy once said, “Let us not seek a Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer”. Mike Bloomberg will work hard and lead all New Yorkers forward; Mike Bloomberg is my choice for Mayor”
East could not have said it better. Mike Bloomberg has the experience and attitude to bring this city out of the current crises. The Big Apple can only shine under Bloomberg’s leadership. We encourage our readers to go out and vote and to vote for Bloomberg.