3rd Avenue Festival 2005
By Jose B. RiveraEast Harlem - June 11, 2005. The Annual Third Avenue Festival was another huge success. Thousands particpated in an event which featured singers, song and dance, politicians, extra-ordinary people on beautiful riding contraptions and beautiful people taking it all in. The event was dominated by music and entertainment from several bandstands throughout the day. Both sides of the street were packed with those who purchased ‘booths’ from which to sell their products, mainly food, drink, tee-shirts, trinkets and other assorted cultural and mainly Puerto Rican pride type items.
The politicians showed up in mass, especially those seeking another term. Those present included Felipe Luciano, Melissa Mark Viverito, Democratic District Leaders Harry Rodriguez, Candy Maldonado, Carmen Quinones, and John Ruiz. To his credit, newly elected East Harlem/Bronx State Senator Jose Serrano, pitched a tent from which to speak to his constituents.
A music video was being taped during the event at East 112 Street. It was surreal walking along Third Avenue and suddenly finding yourself on camera. Only in El Barrio!
The young ladies were out in full force. Many shedding as much clothing as possible, some because of the heat, but most to create some heat. Obvious, right! Ahhh, to be young again. And let’s not leave out the young men. Gawking, and making snide remarks to the young ladies who sometimes acted offended, but who were loving every minute of it. Nature continues with its various mating rituals. Its a dance which never ends.
The festival lasted until the rains came near sundown and even then a few brave soulds continued to enjoy themselves, what’s a little water?
All in all, it was a very successful event, for those who attended, for those who sold their products and mostly for those who sold the festival to all of the above.
To see more photos of the event, goto the photo gallery located at this web site.