El Barrio Broadcasting
By Jose B. RiveraEl Barrio Broadcasting Corporation (El BBC) is a non-profit broadcast organization, whose mission is to instill familiarity about the machinations of radio, video and television production in the Latino youth of East Harlem.
It is our primary mission to teach video/television production in an effort to open doors to Latino youth in the same manner that Rap Music first opened the doors of the music/recording industry to African-American youth. Additionally, our goal is to teach Latino youth the day to day operations of running a radio station. With this in mind, El BBC was founded to offer the Latino youth of East Harlem positive alternatives with a chance toward real jobs within the very lucrative and closed industries of broadcasting.
El Barrio Broadcasting Corporation (El BBC) is a non-profit broadcast organization, whose mission is to instill familiarity about the machinations of radio, video and television production in the Latino youth of East Harlem.Goals and ObjectivesProvide “hands-on” training to Latino youth in radio, television and video production;provide employment opportunities for Latino youth via our “in-house” training programs:
Provide internships and career opportunities with major radio stations, and television/video production studios;
Provide a television/radio station environment where Latino youth will be exposed to all aspects of running a successful broadcast business;
Assist Latino youth with enrollment in, and in becoming members of the television video, film, and radio broadcast unions.
Current Programs
“Shoot Video Not People”
This program, “Shoot Video Not People” , (SVNP) is an introduction to video production where participants produce a variety of Public Service Announcements (PSA’S) that are then broadcast on public access cable television. Participants are then taught to create short video projects, and/or documentaries with technical assistance provided by volunteer professionals. By focusing on the Latino youth of El Barrio, and working in collaboration with broadcast, communications and/or public relations firms, the SVNP! model serves as a first-rate training program in communications for Latino youth.
El Barrio’s Greatest!
Traditional media tends to focus on the negative aspects of communities such as ours. By “sensationalizing” the misfortune of some in our community, the media is able to sell newspapers, or garner viewers.
El Barrio’s Greatest! is a by weekly public access television show of El BBC, currently in its fourth quarter (as of October 1998), highlights only the positive and or best of our community.
El Barrio’s Greatest! Is hosted by Gilberto Cintron.
Photo at right - Gil and John Rivera discuss shooting the next show.
El Barrio Broadcast Corporation, the crew consists of participants and/or graduates of our program,
El Barrio’s Greatest! airs every other Monday night at 11:30 p.m. on Manhattan’s channel 34. The fall 1998 season is as follows:
10/5/98 10/19/98 11/2/98 11/16/98 11/30/98 12/14/98
Come back often for updates and new season information.
Is a volunteer non-profit organization. Donations of equipment, money, or volunteers are always welcome.
Please send all inquiries to Gil Cintron at:
Via e-mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Snailmail: El Barrio Broadcasting Corporation
PO Box 704 Hellgate Station, NY 10029
Note:April 13, 2001 - Since the first publication of this article, Mr. Cintron has moved to Washington, D.C. and is no longer involved in the above programs. You may still e-mail him at the e-mail address above.