Welcome Cathedral High School
We welcome Cathedral High School to our community. Cathedral High School, which was founded in 1905 by the Sisters of Charity, has moved from its prior location at East 56th Street and First Avenue to its new location at East 97th Street between Lexington and Park Avenue.
Great Location
The move to East 97th Street places Cathedral High School very close to public transportation via the number 6 train and buses on Lexington Avenue plus the crosstown bus but a short walk from the school entrance.
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Congestion Pricing; Another Tax
August 19,2023 -Well it looks like Congestion Pricing will come to New York City. What it means is that cars coming into certain areas of Manhattan at certain times will be taxed for it. Their freedom of movement will be taxed. All in a supposed effort to ease congestion. Our congestion mostly occurs for about two hours each day and is part of any major city. In fact it’s a sign of a successful city. One in which good are needed, purchased and sold. The question is, why play with the flow of goods into the city? And remember, it’s a city for god’s sake! What are those proposing this new tax expect? Empty streets? And why even have that expectation? People and goods have to get around or commerce and food will dry up. Knowing that no matter traffic will still in fact stay congested, city elected officials have chosen to tax cars much like they tax cigarettes. With the knowledge that their tax won’t stop the cars or smokers. Quick and easy money!
My Love of Pumpkin!
East Harlem - November 27, 2013 - Anyone who has ever walked into my bakery quickly figures out that I have a special place in my heart for pumpkin. The Best Pumpkin Cake in the World is our signature dessert. It sits at the top of our menu and it comes in many forms: a cupcake, a coffee cake, it can be gluten free or sugar free
It is that time of year, where everywhere you turn a pumpkin is being picked, carved, etched, painted, roasted or merely being used as a decorative piece. For most children – and some adults— the month of October and much of November means Halloween candy, Halloween costumes and more Halloween candy. Pumpkin pies, pumpkin cake and anything pumpkin. Thankfully, at Aromas, we celebrate Pumpkin all year long.
Read Story125 Street Library Closing for Repairs
East Harlem, October 9, 2013 - The New York Public Library’s 125th Street Library To Close Through Winter For Building Improvements and will open later in 2014 when repairs are completed.
The New York Public Library is upgrading safety and temperature control functions at the 125th Street Library as part of continuing efforts to improve local branches. To facilitate these important improvements, the branch will be closed for several months through late winter, beginning October 1st.
The building will receive upgrades for the heating and cooling of the library, as well the ventilation system. Upgrades will also be made to the fire detection and prevention system.
Read StoryRise and Grind Coffee Shop
East Harlem - June 24, 2013 - For the last six months the East Harlem Community has been treated to the Rise and Grind Cafe. The Cafe, a brainchild of business owner Dani Rylan on January 2, 2013. It is a small cafe with large ambitions. Designed by Ms. Rylan, it is well laid out. There is even a board on which to write. Each day a Daily Word is posted on their website. Customers who mention the word are given a discount. When asked about the Cafe’s location, owner Dani Rylan said that the location afforded her a good business opportunity. And right she was from the look at all the customers which the cafe attracts each and every day. The Cafe is smart looking.
AppleBee’s Opens!
December - 2012 - AppleBee’s Opens a new store at the East River Plaza Mall. The beautiful eatery is housed in a built from scratch building. And as is the tradition for AppleBee’s, it reflects some of the community in which it is located. The wall are all covered in photo of local people, places and schools.
AppleBee’s Grand Opening Ceremony was held near noon time, with much fanfare on December 10, 2012.
Read StoryWorld Meet Dax
What or who is Dax? Glad you asked. Because Mr. Dax Feliz is someone very special in our community. Born almost 20 years ago, Dax attended East Harlem schools, including Central Park East and the East Harlem Tutorial Program. He was a member of the East Harlem Tutorial Program Robotics Team (after school program portion) which attended the Robotic Championships in Atlanta.
The Incredible Candy Shop
Tucked away near the corner of 110th Street and Third Avenue like a fantastic new secret too incredible to believe is the Coco Le Vu Candy Shop and Party Room. The exact location is 202 East 110 Street. Few if any business establishment in East Harlem will impress your mind, eyes and sweet tooth like Coco Le Vu.
Walking into the store is like walking into one of those colorized dreams we all rarely have. You’d think you were at the Willie Wanka movie set. Upon walking in you are greeted with a great looking well decorated store. There are green, teal, orange and black stripped walls, in front of which are beautiful white cabinets filled with candies.
Read StoryRobert Gary Stopper 1960-2011
East Harlem August 23, 2011. Robert Gary Stopper passed away on Thursday, August 11th, 2011 in New York City at the age of 51. Robert has been a long time East Harlem resident and community activist. He was often seen speak during Community Board 11’s Public Session for causes he believed in. Robert also helped many of East Harlem’s elected officials get elected by working on their political campaigns.
Robert was instrumental in building relationships and in fund-raising events for his East Harlem community.
Read StoryCristo Rey New York High School Summer Academy
East Harlem - July 12, 2011 - Cristo Rey New York High School will kick-off its “Summer Academy” New Student Orientation on July 18th. This three-week course includes intensive Math and English instruction and the “Business Boot Camp” program, which prepares students for our unique Corporate Work Study Program.
Esperanza Prep Students Taught about Cyber-Bullying
East Harlem - May 18, 2011. Students from Esperanza Preparatory Academy were led into discussions about Cyber-Bullying and Financial Literacy by guest speakers from Capital One Bank and Per Scholas, a non-profit organization. Per Scholas is dedicated to empowering people in low-income communities to use technology to improve their lives. They help to supply low-cost or free computers and training to help young people and adults make better use of this technology. Capital One has partnered with Per Scholas to provide free laptops to local students, including 50 laptops to Esperanza Preparatory Academy.
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Smoker Discrimination
East Harlem - May 2011. The New York City Council and the Mayor of the City of New York continue to discriminate against smokers by making them pay increasing tax penalty for their legal right to smoke and by treating them like second class citizens prohibiting where they can smoke. All while treating others with illegal addictions like victims and with compassion.
Read StoryEHTP Opens a Charter School
East Harlem - March 9, 2011 - The East Harlem Tutorial Program is opening a new school in our community. The East Harlem Scholars Academy will open on the last week of August of this year. The East Harlem Scholars Academy will open with a Kindergarten and 1st grade class. Each class will consist of 25 boys and girls.
The Mount Sinai Receives Award
NEW YORK, March 7, 2011—Through its commitment to sustainability, The Mount Sinai Medical Center last year diverted 26,544 pounds (13+ tons) of medical waste from landfills, and saved $1.7 million by recycling single-use medical devices.
Read StorySt. Cecilia Church Awarded Historic Preservation Grants
St. Cecilia Church, a renowned landmark of East Harlem’s historic El Barrio district, has been awarded two grants by The New York Landmarks Conservancy (NYLC) totaling $80,000 and an additional grant for $200,000 from New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
Read StorySecond Avenue Express Bus
East Harlem - February 4th, 2011 - The new Second Avenue Express Bus setup is for show and not very practical, nor any faster than before.
It inconveniences way more people than it is suppose to zip along the avenue. And it robs communities of scarce and valuable parking spaces for much of the day. It also makes it difficult for stores along the avenue to receive their deliveries. To see why and how read the rest of this article.
La Corsa is Great Eats
East Harlem - July 21, 2010. Tucked away in the corner of East 110th Street very near Park Avenue is La Corsa Pizzeria and Ristorante, one of East Harlem’s best new eateries. La Corsa is a gem of place for East Harlemites to dine since November of 2009. Unlike most eateries that have to work hard to create a “Mom and Pop” experience, La Corsa is the real thing. It is owned by Nina and Nino Digiovanni.
Mosaic Preparatory Academy Hosts A Health Fair
On Saturday, May 1st, hundreds of members of the East Harlem community participated in Mosaic Preparatory Academy’s first annual Community Health and Fitness Fair.
Read StorySoda and Salt Behavior Taxes
East Harlem - May 4, 2010.The New York State legislators propose laws that would tax the purchase of soda and other sweet beverages sold in the state. There has also been legislation proposed that would curtail the amount of salt contained in all foods cooked and sold in the state. Both of these are attempts by legislators to modify our eating habits. The salt reduction legislation in food would take the choice away from citizens/consumers. While the soda tax would make it more expensive for families to purchase sweet beverages.
St Cecilia’s and Commander Shea Schools Reunion 2010
Calling all St. Cecilia’s School and Commander John J. Shea School alumni. You are invited to an all year reunion this coming April 16-17th. The 2010 Reunion Committee is planning to a two day event, a Friday meet and greet for those who can attend and a Saturday, reunion complete with a 5:30 PM Mass and sit down dinner.
Read StoryLighthouse International Launches Program For Harlem/East Harlem Seniors
NEW YORK, February 11, 2010 - Recognizing that East Harlem and Harlem residents have a very high rate of diabetes but few eyecare facilities in their neighborhoods, Lighthouse International, a leading vision healthcare non-profit serving New Yorkers for more than 100 years, has launched a two-year pilot program called East Harlem.
Read Story33rd Annual Three Kings Day Parade In El Barrio
East Harlem - January 7, 2009. El Museo Del Barrio’s 33rd Annual Three Kings Day Parade was held today in El Barrio/East Harlem/Spanish Harlem. The parade seemed larger than ever, with more participants joining in the parade itself and with even more participants cheering them on. El Museo out did itself this year. The new Kings were as gorgeous as they were tall Those walking under them did so with grace.
Read StoryEast Harlem Holiday Tree Lighting 2009
East Harlem, December 15, 2009. The East Harlem Holiday Tree Lighting was a huge success. East Harlem’s individuals, non-profits and business communities came together to plan and obtain the funding for this great East Harlem tradition, which is going on its 6th year. A tradition which the community looks forward too each year. Let the Holidays Begin!
East Harlem Website Revamped
East Harlem - December 12, 2009 - The East Harlem.com website has been revamped. The site now runs on the Expression Engine Content Management System. It took over 12 weeks of work to put the old site into a new skin. The site now sports better News and Events sections along with a better organized Organizations (what use to be links) section.
Read StoryNew Girls Prep School
East Harlem - January 7, 2009. Girls Prep East Harlem is a new charter school opening in the fall of 2009. The school is modeled on the success of Girls Prep Lower East Side.
The Congo 2009 - Former East Harlem Cristo Rey New York High School teacher, Dawn Hurley, is working with women in the Congo and whose story you need to know. As we start the New Year, please consider them in your gracious giving.
Read StoryChallengers for Melissa?
East Harlem- January 7, 2009. Now that the year has begun, it is time to turn our attention to one of the many upcoming elections that will take place this year. It is hard to believe but East Harlem’s City Council race is fast upon us. Who knew time would past so fast?
Read StoryMaria Ramos Receives Award
East Harlem - October 29, 2008 - Maria Ramos an East Harlem activist and health literacy professional received the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leaders Award.
Read StoryEast Harlem Cafe Opens
East Harlem - October 23, 2008. The day finally arrived, the day which Michelle Cruz has been working and planning for a good long time. It was the day she finally opened her East Harlem Cafe. It takes a lot of effort to open a business, and Ms. Cruz did all that was necessary to open to make her dream come true.
Read StoryCab Ride From Hell
“The Night of the Cab Ride from Hell” or “How Papo Lost the Job That He Loved” or “The Excuses Men Make” a Personal Essay of Truth * by Jesus Papoleto Melendez Everything always begins a few days before it actually happens…
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Open Letter to the Community
East Harlem - September 18, 2008. Congressman Rangel e-mailed this open letter to the community. East Harlem.com presents it here for your information: The campaign season has begun, and to no great surprise, I’m now a Republican talking point. But I assure you, I’ve brought no dishonor to my family, the Congress, my constituents, or my country.
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Military Recruitment Under Attack!!
Military Recruitment in New York City Public Schools is under attack by some elected officials. Manhattan Borough President, Scott Stringer, Councilwoman Melissa Mark Viverito, State Senator Jose Serrano, the American Civil Liberties Union and Students or Soldiers Coalition have united to make it more difficult for Military Recruiters to do their jobs.
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J. Marion Sims, Surgeon or Monster?
East Harlem - April 27, 2008. A recent poll in the East Harlem Preservation website asks its visitors if the statue of J. Marion Sims should be removed from its present location. The question is phrased as follows: “Should the NYC Parks Department remove the statue of Dr. Marion Sims from its East Harlem location considering his experiments on female and infant slaves?”
Read StoryEast Harlemites Protest the War
East Harlem - March 24, 2008. Local Community Activists took to the streets today and protested the war in Irag. The protesters, six (6) in number began their protests at 1700 hours (5:00 PM for all you civilians out there)
Read StoryEast Harlem.com turns 12 years old
East Harlem - February 25, 2008. Jose B. Rivera, founder and webmaster of East Harlem.com celebrated another year and another milestone. East Harlem.com celebrated it 12th year of existence. It’s hard to believe but the local community website has been around since 1996, when the web was young and practically without any graphics. Browsers did not deal with graphics back then.
Read StoryEl Barrio’s First Upscale Men’s Salon Celebrates 1st Year
An East Harlem-based business that specializes in grooming services for men celebrated its first-year anniversary November 14, 2007, challenging the myth that taking pride in one’s appearance is only for the ladies.
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Affordable Housing in Northern Manhattan: The New Oxymoron
East Harlem, March 3, 2007. Marion Bell and Joann Lawson share a few things in common. Both are long-term residents of Northern Manhattan and are very active in their community; Bell as a member of Manhattan Community Board 11 and Lawson as the president of the Tenants Association at Lakeview, a 446-unit apartment complex both women call home. By Leon Tulton
Read StoryEast Harlem Remembers 911
East Harlem, September 8, 2007. East Harlem residents and members of law enforcement impacted by the September 11th terrorist attack six years ago gathered last Saturday at the community’s first annual memorial ceremony to remember those lost by the tragedy. By Leon Tulton
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Artist Housing? - Give Me a Break!
East Harlem, September 1, 2007. East Harlem, September 1, 2007. I just received an e-mail from our beloved state senator, Jose M. Serrano, praising the Governor for signing a bill which provides assistance for artist housing needs
Read StoryJohnny Runs For District Leader
Johnny C. Rivera, a community activist for most of his life is running for a leadership position within the Democratic Party, he is running for District Leader in Party A in East Harlem. Although Mr. Rivera has usually been seen as one who helps others with their political campaigns , this is the first time that Mr. Rivera is the candidate.
Read StoryDistrict Leadership Endorsements
East Harlem, August 18, 2007. It’s been a while, but East Harlem.com is coming out with endorsements this year in the races for District Leader. We are happy to endorse Johnny C. Rivera in Part “A” and Harry Rodriguez in Part “B” of the Democratic Party . (From left to right in the photo to the left is Johnny C. Rivera and incumbent Democratic District Leader Harry Rodriguez.). Don’t forget to vote for these gentlemen.
Read StoryCongestion Pricing - New TAX, Less Freedom
Mayor Michael Bloomberg is leading the charge to implement Congestion Pricing in Manhattan. A terrible plan which will charge everyday drivers $8.00 and trucks $21.00 to drive into Manhattan below 86th Street. This plan is nothing but a money grab, a cash cow and a new TAX on the rest of us.
Read StorySavoy Bakery A Delicious Treat
East Harlem, February 20, 2007. Brian Ghaw gently wipes the glass where his delicious cakes and pastries are displayed. As owner of the recently opened Savoy Bakery, Brian wants to ensure his business covey’s a sense of warmth. Something which he accomplishes with both the look of the bakery and with his easy going manner. The bakery is both warm and welcoming.
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Parishioners Hold Service Anyway
East Harlem, February 18, 2007. Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church held a service Sunday morning without the assistance of any parish priests. The parishioners, led by 5 of the 6 women arrested on February 12, 2007, wanted to send the message to all who would listen that their church is still alive, even if the doors are closed.
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Community Catholics Are Furious!!!
East Harlem - February 13, 2007. After a night which featured the arrest of 6 parishioners, East Harlem Catholics are furious at Cardinal Egan. The arrest were made after parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish refused to leave the church. They had vowed to stay in an attempt to keep the church from being permanently closed.
Read StoryIrag, Determination and the Lack thereof
East Harlem, February 14, 2007. The war in Irag has divided this nation between those who support it and those who wish for the United State to pull out unilaterally. Of course both options can not be right. There is only one correct option to take.
Read StoryJulia de Burgos’s Beautiful Mosaic
East Harlem - October 27, 2006. The likeness of Julia de Burgos now occupies East 106th Street creating not only new and wonderful art for our community, but also a place, a landmark to visit and honor our great Puerto Rican poet.
Read StoryDon Otilio Diaz 1930-2006
Don Otilio Diaz, executive director of La Casa de la Herencia Cultural Puertorriquena, died peacefully on Monday, August 21, 2006. He was 75. Mr. Diaz had no children, but is survived here in New York City by a sister, a nephew, and many nieces and cousins.
Read StoryGarden Naming Unfair to East Harlemites
East Harlem, April 20, 2006. In a letter to Councilmember Mark Viverito dated April 20, 2006, well known and loved community activist, Marina Ortiz states her opposition to particular naming the family garden at East 114th Street.
Read StoryCon Ed Sub-Station in East Harlem
East Harlem - April 3, 2006. The Community Association of the East Harlem Triangle has brought up the issue of Con Edison Sub-Stations by holding a Town Hall meeting Friday, April 7th, 2006. Many will see and hear the word sub-station and immediately think of health concerns. Particularly as they relate to electromagnetic fields and any harmful effects they may have.
Read StoryEast Harlem.com Turns 10!!!
East Harlem - March 8, 2006. Can you believe it? East Harlem.com is 10 years old!!! The site that started out with just one page and 2 hits a day in March of 1996 has grown to over 500 pages and over
Read StoryState of the Neighborhood
Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito’s first State of the Neighborhood report to the community as originally reported on the Gottham Gazette.
Read StoryEdwin and Los Platanos
East Harlem - December 29, 2005. I was walking down the street on Christmas Eve when I came upon Edwin Rodriguez. Who I previously met at an East Harme Business Capital Corporation graduation. He was one of the gradutes. And best of all he cooked the food for the graduation. It was Puerto Rican Excellence!!
Read StoryEv’s Gift Shop
Esther Vincent (EV, hence Ev’s Gift Shop), is doing well at her brand new location at 234 East 106 Street, which is located between Second and Third Avenues.
Read StoryAHA Awarded 250K by UMEZ
(Press Release) NEW YORK, N.Y., December 7, 2005 - The Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone today awarded a $250,000 grant to the Association of Hispanic Arts, Inc. (AHA). AHA will use today’s grant for organizational capacity building. Specifically, it will begin an inclusive strategic planning process; further develop its board of directors; expand its staff; and, enhance the programs it offers East Harlem constituents. Programs available will include, but not be limited to, technical assistance workshops, grants, marketing assistance, and advocacy.
Read StoryRecruiting Station in El Barrio? YES!!!
East Harlem - November 11, 2005. On this great day celebrating those who have served this country to give us the freedom we have, East Harlem activists are gearing up to protest the opening of an army recruiting center at 122 East 103rd Street between Lexington and Park Avenues,in front of the Ortiz Funeral Parlor.
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Melissa Wins! Hard Work Ahead
East Harlem - September 28, 2005. Melissa Mark-Viverito has won East Harlem’s city council seat, beating Felipe Luciano by less than a few hundred votes. But Melissa has a lot of hard work ahead of her.
Read StoryCity Council Candidate’s Forum
Democratic candidates vying to be the next representative of the 8th City Council District gathered at a forum August 16, 2005 to discuss how each would address the interest of the immigrant community if they were elected to the coveted position.
Read StoryLiberals Blame Misery on President Bush
East Harlem, August 5, 2005. America’s crazys reacted knee jerk style after Hurrican Katrina hit New Orleans, by blaming President Bush for moving too slowly. Congressional “leaders” and the left wing media spent all of Friday reporting about the Federal Government being “Too Little Too Late”.
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Real Estate Interests. No community sense
East Harlem - August 28, 2005. As I sit on my stoop and see more and more of the new comers walk about in front of me going from Third Avenue to Second Avenue and from Second Avenue to Third Avenue, I wonder what is to become of my family and me.
Read Story3rd Avenue Festival 2005
East Harlem - June 11, 2005. The Annual Third Avenue Festival was another huge success. Thousands particpated in an event which featured singers, song and dance, politicians, extra-ordinary people on beautiful riding contraptions and beautiful people taking it all in.
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Galeria 106 in 2005
June 4, 2005. East 106 Street from Park to Third Avenue was transformed into one big art gallery. With artist featuring and selling their wares to all who attended this marvelous event.
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Harlem RBI - Build it and ...
East Harlem - April 16, 2005. The saying goes “Build it and they will come”. And Harlem, RBI has done just that. Mr. Richie Berlin and Harlem RBI have made the nearly impossible come true.
Read StorySnow Storm Blankets El Barrio
East Harlem - January 23, 2005. Our community was a prestine white after over 13 inches of snow fell on it overnight.
Read StoryLa Casa receives 225K from UMEZ
East Harlem - January 25, 2005. La Casa De La Herencia Cultural Puertorriquena received $225,000 for a two year stabilization project. The ceremonial check presentation was held at La Casa’s home on the fourth floor at East 104th Street and Fifth Avenue.
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Raices receives Lew Collection
Preserving the Memory of a Renaissance Man
Raices Latin Music Collection Receives Ralph Lew Collection
By Nina Olsen
It’s So Cold That…
East Harlem, January 19th, 2005. Bitter cold has gripped El Barrio this week. Spreading its icy grip throughout the community. It’s so cold that even the train tunnels on Park Avenue are dripping icicles. The icicles freeze in place and may be a potential hazard to anyone walking under them.
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UMEZ Gives 340K to Small Biz
The Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone gives $340,000 to help small businesses and entrepreneurs in East Harlem.
Read StoryTree Lighting in El Barrio
East Harlem, December 20th, 2004. The East Harlem Tourism Board together with sponsorship from the Potamkin Auto Group, General Motors, WellCare of NY, Banco Popular, and Ponce Deleon Federal Savings have created and given El Barrio it’s own community Christmas Tree. The Tree Lighting Ceremony kicked off at exactly 6:05 PM, when New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg pushed the button which instantly lit the tree lights.
Read StoryErnesto’s New Book
Ernesto Quinonez has followed up his very successful, “Bodega Dreams” with his new book “Chango’s Fire. Mr. Quinonez attended a book signing at Carlito’s Cafe, Friday, November 19, 2004 at 6:00 PM. Mr. Quionez read from one of his favorite books. He then read from the first few chapters of “Chango’s Fire”. Which captivated those present.
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PS 117 Renamed after Tito Puente
East Harlem, December 9th, 2004. Public School 117 located at East 109th Street between Second and Third Avenues was renamed the Tito Puente Educational Complex in honor of the legendary latino musician Tito Puente.
Read StoryCristo Rey High School Opens
East Harlem - November 27, 2004. East Harlem has a brand new high school within it’s confines. Cristo Rey New York High School, opened it’s doors to 99 students on September 7, 2004. The 99 students are from the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan. The Manhattan students include those from East Harlem and Harlem.
Read StorySerrano Wins
East Harlem, November 2, 2004. Bronx Councilman, Jose Serrano, beat incumbent State Senator, Olga Mendez in the 28 State Senate general election. Mr. Serrano won by over 81% of the vote. He garnered 47, 915 votes compared to Senator Mendez’s 10,365 votes.
Read StoryBuilding Collapse at E 108th Street
A vacant building at 1723 Lexington Avenue, between East 108th and East 107th Street began to fall apart and on the verge of falling apart. The building began to literally crumple from behind the sturcture. The side facing Third Avenue.
Read StorySPA HA?
East Harlem, Saturday, November 27, 2004. I recently entered a new local eatery and started a conversation with the owner. He was a neatly dressed man. Who was taking care of all the details of running the place while speaking to me. And he did not hail from East Harlem. But I could not tell if he was Italian, European or just another New Yorker with a slight accent. He could have come from Brooklyn. It was hard to tell.
Read StoryHelio-Chronometer Art or Eyesore?
The Helio-Chronometer
Art or Eye Sore?
Located at East 104th Street at P.S. 72, the Helio-Chronometer (Reloj Solar), Sundail was dedicated on October 1, 2004.
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Nelson Denis Gains Strength
East Harlem - July 25, 2004. Former Assemblyman, Nelson Antonio Denis’ campaign for State Senate has been steadily gathering steam in El Barrio.
Read StorySt. Cecilia’s Parish Website
The Saint Cecilia Parish web site has gained new functionality and hopefully more visitor participation through the addition of a news section, discussion section and photo gallery.
Read StoryPuerto Rican Flag
A very well written article by Democratic District Leader Evette Zayas and 68th Assembly District Intern Yelimar Quinones. Our thanks to Assemblyman Adam Powell’s Office for this article.
Read StoryFourth Annual Asthma Symposium
A local asthma group held its fourth annual symposium Saturday, May 22, 2004 to discuss how obesity, smoking, and indoor allergens from housing-related problems contribute to the high asthma rate in East Harlem and to show residents how they can reduce the impact of the respiratory disease.
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Rosado Joins The Race
East Harlem - May 15, 2004. Former Democratic District Leader and Community School Board # 4 member, Felix Rosado has decided to run for State Senate. He will join former fire fighter and current District Leader, John Ruiz, and former State Assemblyman, Nelson Denis in seeking to win the September 2004 Democratic Primary.
Read StoryDe La Vega Strikes Back
East Harlem - May 15, 2004. Resident community artist James De La Vega issued at tee-shirt with the words “Free De La Vega” printed on it. De La Vega is selling the tee-shirt to get the word out about his present legal woes.
Read StoryNelson Denis Runs for State Senate
Former State Assemblyman, Nelson Antonio Denis declared his candidacy for State Senate on Thursday, April 22, 2004. He declared in typical Nelson Denis fashion, at the Yorkville Democratic club at 225 East 93rd Street. The club endorsed Mr. Denis by an overwhelming vote over Jose Serrano Jr, from the Bronx, and East Harlem District Leader and former fireman John Ruiz.
Read StoryDe La Vega Opts For Trail
April 16, 2004. New York artist James De La Vega appeared in court today before Judge Joseph Dawson to face disposition of a case stemming from an arrest on July 17, 2003. Surrounded by his supporters, including his mother Elsie Matos and Bronx Assemblyman Ruben Diaz, De La Vega was faced with the option to accept a year’s probation for a guilty plea on a graffiti misdemeanor.
Read StorySenator Mendez’s Race
East Harlem-April 14, 2004. Senator Olga Mendez may have a tough race on her hands in her bid to seek reelection to the 28th State Senatorial District in East Harlem. Then again, she may not.
Read StoryDe La Vega Charge with Vandalism
East Harlem - April 7, 2004. On July 17, 2003, New York (East Harlem) artist James De La Vega was arrested and charged with vandalism in the Bronx. Eight months later, a motion to dismiss the charges was denied and he has been scheduled to appear in court (for the fifth time) on April 16, 2004 for disposition of the case. The prosecutor has offered 30 days in jail, and will not accept any form of restitution that does not include jail time.
Read StoryCouncilman Reed Sworn In
Community leaders and elected officials gathered Saturday, January 31, 2004 to witness the swearing-in of New York City Councilmember Philip Reed for his final term as representative of the 8th Council District.
Read StoryMt. Carmel-Holy Rosary Needs Your Help
A call for help from the principal of Mt. Carmel-Holy Rosary.
Read StoryPolitical Races 2004
Never let it be said that the politics and politicians of El Barrio are boring. This year’s races promise to be more exciting and heated than ever before. Our factionist political groups are about give new meaning to the word political infighting.
Read StoryChris Bell’s Pictorial Book
Christopher Bell’s new book, “East Harlem”, an Images of Amerca Series from Arcadia Press is now out in bookstores. It features pages of pictures from East Harlem’s past. Including it’s Italian history and some church history.
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New Push For Tourism
East Harlem has much to offer in the areas of culture history, and the arts. However, only a small number of people, aside from residents, know about El Barrio’s treasures and rich history.
Read StoryBus Depot Reopens
An East Harlem bus depot that reopened after five years of renovation was greeted by residents Sunday opposing the facility’s presence in their community.
Read StoryReed Wins Third Term
East Harlem, September 9, 2003—Councilman Philip Reed won his primary election against 5 Democratic challengers. Reed garnered over 54 percent of the vote. And in a heavily Democratic district where no one votes Republican is the more than likely winner in the upcoming November General Election.
Read StoryAsthma Group Three Mile Walk
The East Harlem Asthma Working Group (EHAWG), the Office of New York City Councilmember Philip Reed, and the Office of NYS Senator David Patterson will be sponsoring its first annual three-mile march, entitled C.A.M.IN.A.R for Asthma, on Saturday, September 6, 2003 to raise awareness about the asthma epidemic plaguing the East Harlem community.
Read StoryAsthma March at City Hall
A coalition of elected officials, community residents, and representatives from various health organizations assembled on the steps of City Hall yesterday to announce their support of an upcoming asthma march, entitled C.A.M.IN.A.R for Asthma, scheduled to be held in East Harlem this Saturday.
Read StoryBoycott The Music Industry
East Harlem - July 29, 2003. The RIAA and it’s band of brothers has decided to bite the hand that feeds them, by suing the music loving public for downloading music. Now while I agree that we should all pay for the music we listen too. I believe that we should only pay once, regardless of the music medium.
Read StoryRafael Flores In Remembrance
Raphael Antonio Flores (1947-2003)
Eulogy & Remembrance by Kelly Vilar
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Melissa Jumps in the Council Race
East Harlem community activist Melissa Mark Viverito has become a candidate for City Council. Melissa has started collecting signatures for her petitions around the community. She is a member of Community Board # 11, board member of the Violence Intervention Program, Homeowners Association of East Harlem, and the founder of the Women of El Barrio.
Read StoryAsthma Group Community Meeting
Addressing the audience at Junior High School 45, New York City Councilmember Philip Reed, who represents City Council District 8 and co-sponsor of the event, stated that asthma continues to be a major problem in East Harlem. He explained that the purpose of the symposium was to raise awareness about asthma and how problems in and around the home can affect the quality of the community’s respiratory health. Reed said many residents do not realize that asthma is a preventable disease and stressed that education and more funding is the key to prevention.
Read StoryOperation Impact
The implementation of a new police initiative to increase security in the southern half of East Harlem this year has coincided with a stream of middle and upper class newcomers that is blurring the lines between the Upper East Side and El Barrio.
Read StoryVigil for Peace
With icy fingers wrapped around the stems of dozens of white carnations and cupping flickering candles, over 60 members of the East Harlem community marched on Tuesday evening to protest violence and crime in their neighborhood. Singing and praying in Spanish, the mostly Mexican group gathered on the corner of 116th St. and Second Avenue where Freddy Ardelio Paez, a 20-year-old Mexican immigrant, was shot in the face two weeks ago. Paez was killed in a fight that witnesses believe was a gang-related.
Read Story
Women of El Barrio’s Candidate Debate
East Harlem - September 5, 2002. The Women of El Barrio held their first candidate’s debate at Junior High School 117 between Second and Third Avenues on 109th Street. Although all candidates were invited, not all chose to attend, citing scheduling problems.
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Edwin’s Cafe
East Harlem - August 23, 2002. Edwin’s Cafe opened for busines at the southwest corner of East 111th Street,with many local dignitaries in attendance.
Read Story
PRACA Hispanic Festival
East Harlem - August 3, 2002. The Puerto Rican Association for Community Affairs (PRACA) held its annual Latin American Arts & Cultural Festival on East 106th Street between Lexington and Third Avenues today.
Read StoryHispanic Society F.D.N.Y. Calendar
As a New York City firefighter with Ladder Company 12, Angel Juarbe Jr. saved lives. He was also an aspiring actor who loved animals and spending time with his family.Hector Luis Tirado Jr., a member Engine Company 23, was a father of five who hoped one day to attend medical school.Picture of FDNY Calendar Front Cover
Read StoryMariachi Music Tradition
The five-man mariachi band wearing mustard-colored trajes de charro strolled down a tree-lined path in Central Park. The sound of two trumpets filled the air, and the vihuela, the guitarron and the violin soon joined in. The beat was magnetic, drawing a crowd of parents and young children.
Read StoryMap Problem
The new Taxi and Limousine Commission maps which highlight communities throughout the New York City Area has short changed East Harlem. It has Spanish Harlem beginning at 86 Street and ending at 110th Street. Click on Map above to see for yourself. It seems someone did not bother to check with anyone in East Harlem about our communities’ boundaries. At the very least it is a bad oversight, at worst it is disrespectful.
Read StoryReparations: Value or Shakedown?
East Harlem - March 28, 2002. The issue of Reparations for African-Americans resurfaced earlier this week, when attorneys filed law suites in Brooklyn Federal Court against, Fleet Boston Financial Corps, Aetna and CSX Corp, maintaining that these companies “built their empires on the backs of slaves and must now give their heirs past wages and profits gained as a result of the free labor.”
Read StoryTerm Limits
Members of the City Council have recently begun to question the current end of their terms in office. Leading the charge is Harlem’s own, Councilman Bill Perkins.
Read StoryState Senate Race 2003
East Harlem, March 17, 2002 - It looks like the East Harlem State Senate race is beginning to heat up earlier than usual with the news that Spanish radio personality Malin Falu may enter the race against State Senator Olga Mendez.
Read StoryBitter Roots
“It’s just too painful to talk about!” That’s what an aunt had to say when asked about her family tree. This statement would become the springboard that would spur Reginald’s research of his own family ancestry. In the three years that followed, he wondered just what could have been so painful that a family member would not want to share her story and take the painful secrets to her grave.
Read StoryBloomberg For Mayor
East Harlem - November 4, 2001. East Harlem.com has endorsed Mike Bloomberg for Mayor.
Read StoryLa Fonda Boricua Opens
East Harlem - October 25th, 2001. East Harlem’s newest eatery, La Fonda Boricua opened in Mid July after extensive renovation which added space and a new sense of style.
Read StoryCity Council Debates 2001
East Harlem - September 5, 2001. The two Democratic candidates for the 8th City Council district debated at PS 50 this evening. A third invited candidate, Republican, George C. DiMartini did not attend
Read StoryMiriam Drops Out of Race
Its official. Miriam Falcon Lopez, has redrawn from the 8th Councilmanic District Race in El Barrio sighting a lack of funds for candidacy.
Read StoryMeeling Eng - City Council Candidate
East Harlem - June 9th, 2001 Current Community School Board District # 4 Member, Meeling Eng has jumped into this years East Harlem city council race. As I will do with all East Harlem city council candidates, Meeling has decided to write about herself and her candidacy (below):
Read StoryMiriam Jumps into Council Race
East Harlem - May 24, 2001. Miriam Falcon Lopez, Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV’s District Administrator has thrown her hat into East Harlem’s city council race.
Read StoryEast Harlem Online 5 Years Old
East Harlem - February 26, 2001 - East Harlem Online celebrated its 5th birthday today. Mr. Jose B. Rivera, founder and webmaster of the site, celebrated at his residence. Mr. Rivera has been the sole supporter of the site all these years. “The cost of the site is nothing compared to what I have received from this community. The site is my way of giving back to my beloved barrio”.
Read StoryCB # 11 Installation of Officers
East Harlem - February 4, 2001- Community Board # 11 held its Installation of Officers (of the Board) on the evening of January 26, 2001 at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center auditorium. Civil Court Judge Jose Padilla presided over the event as a Master of Ceremony. Entertainment was provided by the Nigerian African Drummers and by Applause, a local nonprofit group.
Read StoryCouncil Race 2001
East Harlem - February 1, 2001. East Harlem’s 8th Councilmanic district race is heating up with the addition of Felipe Luciano as a candidate for city council. Other candidates for this council seat include the incumbent Councilman Phil Reed and Community Board # 11 member, Edwin Marcial.
Read StoryCB # 11 Press Conference on MCNY
Miosotis New District Manager
East Harlem - January 1, 2001 - Miosotis Munoz, a former East Harlem resident has been chosen by the Community Board # 11 District Manager search committee to become the next CB # 11 District Manager.
Read StorySiempre -New Community Newspaper
East Harlem - January 1, 2001- East Harlem has a brand new newspaper. Siempre (meaning “Always” in Spanish), was launched in late October 2000. Israel Torres Penchi is the founder and publisher of the new bimonthly community newspaper.
Read StoryMCNY Moving Downtown
East Harlem, January 1, 2001 - The Museum of the City of New York has decided, with Mayor Giulliani’s prompting, to move from its current location at 103rd Street and 5th Avenue in East Harlem to 52 Chambers Street near City Hall. The official excuse is that the Museum can raise more money moving closer to Wall Street.
Read StoryCommunity Board #11 Makeup
East Harlem - January 1, 2001 - Hispanic representation on Community Board # 11 (located in East Harlem, Spanish Harlem) is only a little over 39% of the board. African-Americans which consist of only 38% of Spanish Harlem’s population make up 50% of the board. Out of six Officers of Board # 11, only two are Hispanic, four are African-American.
Read StorySnow Storm December 2000
The year 2000 left East Harlem with over 11 inches of snow. The snowfall started earlier than predicted, but still delivered the punch forecasted by the news. Not that it canceled any pending New Year’s celebration in the community.
Read StoryConcede Mr. Gore
East Harlem - November 14, 2000. Enough is enough. East Harlem Online implores Vice President Gore to end his ill fated attempt at capturing the White House and do the right and legal thing by conceding the election to George W. Bush.
Read StoryTito Puente Way
East Harlem, El Barrio, Spanish Harlem. Tito Puente Way was dedicated today at a Street unveiling ceremony held at 110th Street between Madison and Park Avenues, a few feet from the tenement where the Mumbo King spent his first years of life - 1923 -1938. Tito Puente Way encompasses East 110th Street from 5th to First Avenues.
Read StoryPresident Dooms Elian Gonzalez
The taking of Elian Gonzalez early this morning is proof positive that Liberal Democratic politicians can no longer be entrusted with our welfare. President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno should be held responsible for their cowardly deed. Elian Gonzalez deserves better than to be sent back to Cuba.
Read StoryWhat’s In a Name II
It seems that the controversy surrounding a name for East Harlem refuses to go away. In community meeting after community meeting, people continue to be corrected and offended by the term “Spanish Harlem”. One can clearly see the offense taken by those in attendance as soon the words leave a speakers’ lips. If this issue is new to you read on.
Read StoryOscar Garcia Rivera
It takes great pleasure and pride to include Oscar Garcia Rivera, the first Puerto Rican to hold elective office in the continental United State, as the first Inductee in the East Harlem.com Hall of Fame.
Read StoryHenry Comas
December 1999 - Mr. Henry Comas, a life long resident of New York City, has dedicated himself to improving living conditions in his community through his work in youth services and housing and economic development. A 40-year-old father of one, Mr. Comas is fully bilingual and bi-cultural.
Read StoryIt Take A Village…
I am sure that you have heard the phrase, “It takes a Village to raise a child”. But how many of you have seriously thought of what it means, what it implies? Whether or not it rings true? Does it take a village to raise a child?
Read StoryUpdate - Partnership For Change
The East Harlem Partnership For Change, a local Industrial Areas Foundation group, meet on June 14, 1999 at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church auditorium to discuss various issues. Among them were employment for the community, the drug problem, and education. Fr. James Brenan of St. Cecilia’s Parish lead the meeting.
Read StoryNoise - In East Harlem
East Harlem is a noisy place. And it is becoming noisier all the time. Throughout the community people are beginning to complain about street noise invading their homes. Community Board # 11 and the 23rd and 25th Precincts have seen an increase in the number of complaints being received from community residents about this noise problem.
Read StoryUpdate: East River Plaza
The East River Plaza debate is heating up as the vote on the project by Community Board 11 draws near. Most of the noise is coming from the opponents of project, mainly B.A.R.A. members (click on link to learn more about B.A.R.A.). B.A.R.A. seems to be at every committee meeting of Community Board 11.
Read StoryThe Sharman Visit East Harlem
East Harlem Online received a beautiful visit from two southerners, Russell and Cheryl Sharman. The Sharmans are looking to relocate to New York City and one of the first places they checked for information was this web site.
Read StoryAnallisa Torres
July 1999 - Analisa was born in Manhattan in 1959 to Supreme Court Justice Frank Torres and granddaughter of the late Family court Judge Felipe Torres. Analisa is also the mother of 8-year-old Elena.
Read StoryHenry Calderon
Mr. Henry Calderon is one of East Harlem’s strongest business leaders. He runs a travel agency, insurance agency and real estate business.
Read StoryJuana Ines Pacheco
May 1999 - Juana Ines Pacheco was born and raised in Washington, DC. While not a native East Harlemite, she has come to be known and respected as a community leader in just a few short years.
Read StoryForces Against Progress
When the PathMark supermarket idea first sprang up, forces in East Harlem began to align themselves against it. When a Home Depot/Cosco mega stores were suggested for the old Washburn Wire Co. site, forces sprung up to stop the development (see B.A.R.A. article). When tourism is mentioned for East Harlem, the same forces get their juices going to prevent it too.
Read StoryPerspective - Election 98
Three Kings Day 1999
The 22nd Annual Three Kings Day Parade was held on Wednesday, January 6, 1999 in El Barrio. The parade featured a cast of hundreds including school children from all over the city, Bronx civic groups, many dressed as kings, animals - camels, sheep, and donkeys and El Barrio’s own residents.
Read Story1999 Three Kings Day Parade
The 22nd Annual Three Kings Day Parade was held on Wednesday, January 6, 1999 in El Barrio. The parade featured a cast of hundreds including school children from all over the city, Bronx civic groups, many dressed as kings, animals - camels, sheep, and donkeys and El Barrio’s own residents.
Read StoryManny’s Wall
Manny Did IT!! Local community artist Manny Vega Jr. completed his restoration of the wall mural on East 104th Street and the corner of Lexington Avenue. Manny started the restoration in September. He worked against time and the advent of cold weather which could prevent the paint he used from adhering to the wall. Mr. Vega was lucky. Warm winter weather allowed him to complete the wall in time.
Read StoryEl Fogon - Cafe Restaurant
Philip Colon, a local community activist turned restaurant owner has given our community a wonderfully warm and friendly place in which to eat Puerto Rican food. Mr. Colon had originally established his restaurant in the East 116th Street “La Marqueta” for the past two years. He decided to move his business to 83 East 111th Street on Machito Square.
Read StorySalsa Muesum in East Harlem
Have you ever taken anything for granted, even before it was created? Well, many are surprised to hear that East Harlem has a Salsa Museum. Well Duh!! It seems like common sense, East Harlem, Salsa Museum, like hot-dogs with hot-dog buns. Until you realize that the East Harlem Salsa Museum is new. It has not been here since the early days of Salsa. It just opened December 1998.
Read StoryBARA Vs. East River Plaza
A group of East Harlem residents has united to prevent the construction of the East River Plaza Shopping Mall. This mall will be located at 116th-119th Streets between the FDR drive and Pleasant Avenue. The group has united under the name B.A.R.A., East Harlem Business and Residents Alliance, Inc. Some of the members of this group include Gloria Quiniones, William Gerena, John Kozler and others.
Read StoryCardinal Visits El Barrio
November 22, 1998 - East Harlem East Harlemites received a rare treat, as his Eminence John Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop of New York, visited St. Cecilia’s Church to help celebrate the church’s 125th anniversary.
Read StoryForum -Turf Wars and Sharing
Place Matters, a joint project of The Municipal Art Society of New York and City Lore in cooperation with The East Harlem Historical Organization held a forum on Saturday, November 7th. The forum was held a a movie showing room of the Museum of the City of New York. The topic of the forum had to do with three different Turf Wars and Turf Sharing.
Read StorySecond Annual Artisan Fair
This is a test.
Read StoryObstructed Leadership
East Harlem finds that many of it’s youth of the 1970s have reached a plateau in terms of the leadership positions open to them. Many of the leaders of the 1970s who took over from the leaders of the 1950s, have not groomed or left to make room for those who have come after them. Instead, they stay on, holding on till the last, trying desperate against time to hang on to power.
Read StoryGov. Pataki Visits El Barrio
October 24, 1998 East Harlem. New York State Governor George Pataki made a rare visit to El Barrio-East Harlem to receive endorsements from local Latino elected officials. The endorsements took place at the new Julia Del Burgos Cultural Center on Lexington Avenue between 105th and 106th Streets.
Read StoryFestival De La Tiza
The 6th Annual East Harlem Festival De La Tiza" or Chalk Festival took place this Saturday, September 12, 1998. The event was sponsored by Grupo Tizonor Chalk Group and took place on 104th Street between Lexington and Third Avenues. The festival allows children to draw with chalk on the street. Festival Organizer, Jose Morales also invites artist to work with the children while they draw.
Read StoryMillion Youth March
September 5, 1998 - The Million Youth March held in Harlem today has revealed a good many things about the Mayor of the City of New York. Nothing new was learned about the March organizers. Everyone already knew of Mr. Muhammad’s wrong ideas. But even this author supports his right to hold a rally, as provided by our constitution.
Read StoryGilberto Cintron
September 1998 - Gilberto “Gil” Cintron, community resident, activist, multimedia producer, and cable show director.
Read StoryJorge Vidro
Jorge Vidro, community activist, legal representative of State State Senator Olga Mendez
Read StoryCoalition To Improve Public Schools
The East Harlem Coalition to Improve our Public Schools is a strongly knit group of community residents dedicated to improving East Harlem public schools.
Read StoryWashington Houses CICAC
East Harlem - August 29, 1998 - The Washington Community Improvement Council (WCIC) threw its annual summer party today at the East 99th Street and Third Avenue Park. WCIC’s party was a great way to end their summer of activities which included a basketball league for youngsters age 12-18, cultural education, youth involvement, conflict resolution, park cleaning and general fun. The WCIC educates the neighborhoods youth as it keeps them off the street and away from trouble.
Read StoryEl Barrio Broadcasting
El Barrio Broadcasting Corporation (El BBC) is a non-profit broadcast organization, whose mission is to instill familiarity about the machinations of radio, video and television production in the Latino youth of East Harlem.El Barrio Broadcasting Corporation (El BBC) is a non-profit broadcast organization, whose mission is to instill familiarity about the machinations of radio, video and television production in the Latino youth of East Harlem.
Read StoryWhat East Harlemites Do For Fun
Those of you readers who hail from East Harlem may find much of the following to be old news, boring, or refreshing. The following is for those of you who have not been to our community. Ever wonder what we do for fun? Well continue reading and enjoy the following pictures. This is but a little taste of what we do for fun in El Barrio. There are eleven pictures on this page. They may take a little while to download and parse, but they are worth it. If you have any pictures supporting this theme (What East Harlemites do for fun), please e-mail them to me (prefer tiff files) and I will include them on this and other pages. Have fun.
Read StoryHarry Rodriguez
Mr. Harry Rodriguez has been a friend to the East Harlem community. He has been active in various community institutions and is also active in the political life of the community.
Read StoryGustavo Rosado
June 1998 - Gustavo “Gus” Rosado, has been active in the East Harlem Community since his teenage years. Mr. Rosado is the Executive Director of El Barrio’s Operation Fightback, Inc. An organization that literally builds the community one brick at a time.
Read StoryBuilding Up El Barrio 1998
If East Harlem lived up to it’s reputation, you’d think that nothing new is being put up, nothing is being renovated or cleaned to look nice. But East Harlemites know better. There has never been a time when some building or another was not in the process of being renovated. Every now and then new housing goes up too.
Read Story
What’s In A Name
East Harlem January 23, 1998 - A small community issue came up earlier this year which seemed at once foolish and important. It was foolish in that the name of a place does not “make” that place. It does not take away from that place nor does it enhance it. In other words, it does not matter. It was Important in that ethnic pride was involved. Let me explain.
Read StoryReed Wins
Philip Reed, former Democratic District Leader from Manhattan Valley, won the September Democratic Primary and then went on to win in the November General election to become East Harlem’s next Councilman. Councilman Reed will represent East Harlem in the 8th Councilmanic district.
Read StoryLisa Cortes
May 1997 - Lisa Cortes is a community activist and a leader. She has chosen to work on the hard issues which affect our community. And has kept away from the politics which so often can alienate many in the community.
Read StoryFederico Colon
April 1997 - Federico has been active in the life of the East Harlem community for the last few years.
Read StoryGeorge Espada
March 1997 - George L. Espada has had a history of community participation. Starting as a youngster and continuing till this day.
Read StoryFelix Rosado
Mr. Felix Rosado is one of East Halem’s better educated and involved individuals. He has been active in the political arena and has sought to improve the lives of all of El Barrio’s residents.
Read StoryEvelyln Castro
January 1997 - Evelyn Castro, Superintendent, Community School Board District # 4 has dedicated her life to bettering the education of the children of East Harlem and to improving the educational system of the district at large.
Read StoryFrancisco Diaz, Jr.
Former Assemblyman, Francisco Diaz, Jr. has been active in the East Harlem community since his teens. His ability to think things through have served him and our community well.
Read StoryWalter Torres
Walter Torres can be described as one of the “hearts” of East Harlem. He is active in the life of the community, cares about others and acts when he feels that action is needed.
Read StoryJohn Rivera
John Rivera was born and raised in East Harlem and has been a resident ever since then. He is the October 1996 East Harlem Online Person of the Month by virtue of his community service.
Read StoryNelson Antonio Denis
September 1996 - Mr. Denis has earned this distinction through his hard work, ferocious campaign style and mostly for achieving the unexpected. He won the 68th Assembly District Democratic Primary held on September 10, 1996. By doing so he took the nomination of the party away from an incumbent assemblyman.
Read Story